Archive for June, 2019
Or self 'world government' has shown so someone (who should be!) That they have all caught up and everything is under control. And not in vain octopus – octopus – is including a secret symbol of power. But this argument is should not go to the assessment of predictions, and a psychiatrist. And what follows from this conclusion? Utterly banal conclusion: predicting the future is possible! And for the correct prediction does not need to use cumbersome Supercomputers and abstruse mathematical model (which, by and large, still full of empirically obtained coefficients and parameters defined the infamous' experts' method ', that is when they get as a professional and a simple majority decide what the value of the parameter register in the model and consider whether it at all). Sometimes the octopus would work better than any computer. The issue is actually much broader: As Paul predicted the results? Can this be done without an octopus (agree, cephalopods – not the most convenient pet, even for the rich at home)? Can we trust the results obtained by such methods? Strictly speaking, the experiments were with Paul did not give any answer to these questions, except perhaps the last: yes, under certain conditions, divination gives reliable results. And the rest none at all, neither positive nor negative. Science is not known to science about this still does not know. Or do not want to know? People's experience, folk traditions are rich in predictive technology. This serious attitude to their own dreams, many of which are considered to be prophetic, and Numerous divination.
SICHE RECASENS LUIS (1903-1977) “Since Niceto gift made possible the Republic conservative, Catholic, bourgeois, I became a Republican. I’m looking for future prospects. I am of the liberal Republican right, left, center section, a little inclined to right. ” Luis Recasens Siches. THE VOICE OF A MASTER OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF LAW Ortega called inheritance is basic in all exiled thinkers, but that heritage has a special importance by his mark and duration in Maria Zambrano, Francisco Ayala, Manuel Granell and Luis Recasens Siches .
Luis Recasens Siches moves in the field of legal sciences, and in his case, in the philosophy of law, which applies the theory Ortega area of vital reason. In many of his books reflects this trend of thought. One of our best historians of the philosophy of law, which has weighed heavily foreign studies made in Berlin next to Stammler, Heller and Smendes, those in Vienna with Kelsen, Kaufman and Schrecer, not least made in Rome with Del Vecchio, who carried their thoughts towards wider horizons of Europeanization Nevertheless, writing human life, society and law, have to forget a little German influence, believing with good reason, that idealism had to be overcome in the philosophy of law, and grounded in ontological reality and Ortega, and by this line is fitting his subsequent works. Luis Recasens Siches born in Guatemala on June 19, 1903 and died in Mexico on July 4, 1977. The son of Spanish parents, with two years of age and was in our country.
Dyslexia and dyscalculia: Science Congress (2nd-5th October 2008 at the Freie Universitat Berlin) provides education demand more equality for 8 million affected people in Germany. “The Congress of the Union of the BVL Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dr. Gerd Schulte Korne, Director of the clinic for child and youth psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy, hospital the University of Munich, under the topic: equality dyslexia and dyscalculia in the field of tension between medicine, education and society”. Congress should once again show that the disorder images more attention must find dyslexia (reading / legal writing disorder) and dyscalculia (mathematics disorder), because about 5% of all people of a dyslexia and as many from a dyscalculia are affected. In Germany, affected people due to the lack of awareness of society are often discriminated against.
Massive cuts must in particular students and Accept students with dyslexia or dyscalculia, because their impairment is school not adequately absorbed, although they have a good talent. We consider it the most important tasks a, to do intensive educational work so that the affected people get an equal opportunities in school, training and employment. The tension between medicine, education, and society should be further about the Congress. Both images of disorder are diagnosed using standardised procedures and are internationally recognized. “Regardless of whether the disorder images are scientifically conclusively, it is necessary to create a framework in which they talent just to develop for the people concerned”, Schulte Korne calls. The Congress should contribute, to intensify exchanges between those responsible and open new paths in dealing with dyslexia and dyscalculia.” The Congress of the Union of the BVL will take place from 2nd-5th October 2008 at the Freie Universitat Berlin and will be carried out jointly with Prof. Dr.
Arthur Jacobs, General Psychology. In more than 50 conferences and 30 workshops, current research findings and practical experiences presented by recognized scientists and practitioners. Until the 15.4.2008 yet proposals for contributions in the form of abstracts can be submitted on-line via the homepage of the BVL. Like every Congress, the BVL has written a science prize. More information is available on the homepage of the BVL – application deadline is 30.7.2008. this year, we expect about 1,200 participants in Berlin. The interest of scientists, educators, therapists and parents shows us once again the importance of this Congress. As a parents self-help Association we will this year for the first time offer a day of training designed specifically for parents and make available practical information on diagnosis, therapy, school and aid”, Christine Sczygiel, National Chairman of the BVL informed. Conference to establish equal opportunities, avoid discrimination”on November 10, 2007 in the Universitatsklinikum Eppendorf more information about dyslexia, to the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. as well as the Congress and registration are available at on the Internet.
Klara’s long journey – spiritual novel – Reinhold Kashif Klara’s long journey to the Isles of Scilly from the publishing house Spielberg the book of life, because it shows a family in three generations with their experiences, experiences, and emotions, so that everyone in this novel reflected. This is only an excerpt of a list now comprising 37 reviews on amazon, the 34 * is been rated with 5 stars. And, although the book was only published on the book market by the end of July 2009. In such troubled times as the global economic crisis and a looming review leads the author Reinhold Kashif his readers/inner gently away from the illusion, material values could permanently bring us luck. His approach seems rather awesome how easy. The author sends the character Clare on a spiritual journey that gradually leads to a well-guarded treasure.
Surprisingly or not? is this deeply hidden in ourselves. A time when our true selves arrived, we finally find the love for which we we always longed have, and finally the peace. Sabrina Fox above Klara’s long journey. The author Reinhold Kashif has spread spiritual knowledge like pearls. For those who like to read about personal growth in novel form. Further information on the official website of the author Reinhold Kashif on – the spiritual reading lounge, Reinhold Kashif
The versatile terminals can be used for example for advertising, information and even indirectly for sale. Multimedia terminals and Internet terminals offer plenty of users and operators. A central information point learn not only about specific offers and services, you can get also schedules, product lists, and more depending on the setting of the terminals. Even for security training, multimedia are excellently suitable terminals and Internet terminals. You must be programmed only accordingly. And that assumes the company ITVM ( for its customers. By establishing the systems up to the commissioning and staff training, customers receive everything from a single source. The areas of application for this versatile terminals are great.
They can be used, for example, in the retail, to draw attention to certain products and promotions. Industrial companies can take advantage of the displays guests easily prescribed by law Safety information to bring. In public facilities, hospitals or in tourist centres are the multimedia terminals an opportunity, so that guests can focus without the aid of service employees. The versatile terminals can be used for example for advertising, information and even indirectly for sale. For example, from customers who are looking for a specific product or furniture of a certain group in the furniture store. The system saves time and costs for additional staff, you would need to place the terminals. They are therefore a good and economical solution for companies in all sectors.
From small business to international corporations. ITVM meets the demands of its customers with a wide range of products and services. In addition to terminals for indoor and outdoor use, wall terminals, stand terminals and Internet terminals in all conceivable finishes is also the appropriate software for the multimedia terminals and Internet terminals available. This virtually endless terminals from a central location and therefore to be depending on version control time and cost-saving. Also makes the practical ITVM terminals to a convenient, time-saving and effective solution for every business. company ITVM has its headquarters in the southern German Tamm. It was founded in 1997 and provides its clients with multimedia terminals, technical displays, and more. Customers include companies from the industry, retail, hospitals and public institutions. For example, tourism centres and town halls. Instead of technical innovations, a honest and fair advising of clients and high quality products are at the forefront of corporate governance. In addition to his corporate responsibilities, ITVM takes seriously its social responsibility. The company supports include the Red Cross and doctors without borders.
In the quarry Sulzau the Daher concrete has been operating since 1970, quarrying is done in the future with an electric excavator. As first company in Austria, Dahbour relies on this kind of extraction and this new ecological and economic standards. The 85to electric excavator eco-miner”has no exhaust emissions and is only electrically operated. Also the noise emission decreases due to the electric drive on a slight murmur one hears only the sound of the fan which is reduced due to other cooler to a minimum and the noise of the hydraulic components. The machine loads payload dump truck with nearly 100to in about 4 or 5 minutes and degrades 800000 tonnes of material a year. The enhanced efficiency of the electric motor is reflected also economically. A diesel engine in mobile devices has an efficiency of about 30% of mechanical energy, the rest is lost as waste heat or has to be cooled again.
An electric motor has an efficiency of about 97%, which means you can use less energy achieve higher performance. What of course financially worthwhile. Practical comparison shows the eco-miner”with 310kW Siemens electric motor is significantly faster than the previous excavators with 363kW diesel engine. Energy at 1.40 / liter in the mobile diesel diesel prices expressed in euro 1kW costs about 35 cents; When the electric motor kW approx. cost 17Cent. Also the maintenance of the diesel engine costs, which excavators in the diesel-powered about make up half of the entire maintenance.
Built and delivered the excavator was of Mortlbauer construction in D-94081 Furstenzell. The specialist for construction machinery and equipment has built to a Hyundai R800LC-9 of 380kW diesel drive on 310kW electric. The project was a challenge both Dagha concrete and Harpreet. Harpreet Dagha has already a Hyundai R380LC-9 very satisfactory in service and correspondingly good experiences with the dealer and the service. For this reason you gave the confidence to press the task even when this investment Harpreet. Dagha concrete based in Hallein is a very innovative company since time immemorial and has approximately 90 employees. The core business includes the production and supply of ready-mix concrete. Sand and gravel; Recycling of building materials; Natural stone; Construction demolition, as well as quarries. Harpreet has approximately 35 employees headquartered in Furstenzell (Bavaria) and branch in Kramsach (Tyrol) and describes himself as a professional for construction equipment and attachments, as well as special constructions of its kind. Polina Marycheva Harpreet Vertriebs GmbH
Its fields are of course propitious to the cattle pasture and the extensive one. Pampas are an aboriginal word to assign to prairies – plain surfaces vegetation covers tripping. Most of bioma is formed by fields, but it also has arbreos stretches and some spots with dense, similar forest to the Atlantic bush. As the south of Brazil is extended of north, it she is not homogeneous, but yes a vegetation mosaic. In its more characteristic form, it is an exuberant pluvial forest, with trees that can reach 40 meters of height. It has one of biodiversities richest of Brazil and the world.
In only one area of the serrana region of the Espirito Santo it has 476espcies of lenhosas trees. This zone keeps fort contact with biomas of the Amaznia and the Atlantic bush and encloses regions of ecological transistion that play a function of linking and viabilizao of genetic exchanges between terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Bioma is one constituted by complex environments, diversified and of extreme importance for the sustentation of the life of the sea. Only bioma exclusively Brazilian congregates at least distinct 12vegetaes, the calls caatingas, characterized mainly for losing todasas leves in the period of drought. The mountain presence with 2 a thousand meters of altitude in way to bioma raises a little the humidity and is what it makes of the region half-barren commaior biodiversity of the world Spread for 11 States (ME, PI, YOU, BA, GO, MG, TM, MS, RO, SP and PR), more the Federal District, is as bigger bioma of Brazil. She is also one of savannahs richest of the world, in special for the biological contact with biomas neighboring. Known as forest upside-down, because its roots costumam to be bigger of what the pantries. In its chapadas ones they are rising of the main rivers of the basins Amazonian, of the Silver and the San Francisco.
Austrian fruit grower produces a juice that is free from bitter with elaborate method. A taste experience of a special kind. Munich, December 2008 – Austrian fruit grower produces a juice that is free from bitter with elaborate method. A taste experience of a special kind. The Obsthof Savior is the probably the world’s only company that can squeeze the pomegranate seed without skin or seeds to Pomegranate juice. Under the name organic pomegranate Pur is the product in pharmacies under number PZN 0287645 available. Distributor is the company community pharmaceutical sales in Munich Oberhaching.
“The gentle processing guarantees the high effectiveness of the pomegranate in health promotion. Maybe our bio is pure worldwide the most expensive Granat Apple Juice pomegranate. Quality has its price, just”, is the motto of the Werner saviors, the holder of the Obsthofes in Styria, Austria. “We win the juice is contained in a single bottle from the nuclei of five to seven pomegranates”. High concentration of organic polyphenols support immune system in complex trials and with modern technology succeeded Savior on the farm, to remove the seeds of the pomegranate. And just dissolved in Bowl and blades in which contain the bitter substances are liberated cores in the Obsthof Savior Pur used for production by Granat Apple juice.
Pomegranates contain extremely cell-protective ellagic acid, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. You have a 20-fold higher antioxidantive effect than green tea or red wine. The high concentration organic polyphenols, Phytoestrogens and gamma linoleic in nuclei can enhance the reminders and the ability to concentrate and effectively regulate the immune system. The Association for holistic health consultation in Aarbergen confirmed this. In the traditional production of Granat juice the whole pomegranate Peel and pulp is squeezed out. In the shell and in the connective tissue bitter substances contained, affecting the taste accordingly. Because of this bitter We recommend therefore mostly a mix with sweeter fruit juices taste. In the shell, nor in the connective tissue Ellagsauren and organic polyphenols are included. That’s why the Obsthof chose Savior elaborate manufacturing process. The result is a taste of the special article “principle for a pure juice at the pomegranate is always the gutting. This is also the largest expense and the income is much smaller compared to the conventional pressing”, Werner reported rescuers. “When we process a high proportion of wild pomegranates, which are smaller than plantation apples”. For the trend-setting concept of eco in the quality management of orchards and promoting age, native fruit varieties the fruit farm was awarded Savior a recognition award of the “European Environment Foundation”. The farm organically certified since 1990 in the Pollauer Valley in Eastern Styria is run in its third generation by Werner Savior. Bernhard Landgraf