Analog To Digital

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Already there is talk of the transition from analogue to digital, but the disappearance of formats, according to Saul J. Berman IBM new users of Facebook and Twitter are greater than 35 years Madrid, November 18, 2010-children do carry us much advantage, they have already come to the digital age, said Saul Berman, partner in charge of strategy and innovation of the Consulting Division of IBMin his speech at the International Forum of digital content, organized by the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade. They were the youngest who popularized the use of social networks and those who began to take advantage of all the benefits offered by the digital world. However, the number of users of Facebook and Twitter does more than increase and the vast majority of all new records correspond to people older than 35 years. Elders give a purpose other than social networks, but we use them more and more. For more clarity and thought, follow up with MSCO and gain more knowledge.. Things that were previously for youth become massive. Berman has segmented the market in three key sectors, whose evolution is followed closely by IBM to be able to offer products able to meet the specific needs of each sector. The massive pasives, or massive liabilities, are those who are only willing to jump into the digital world when they give them all the facilities and do not have to stop to understand the technology.

The gadgeteers, or gadgeteros, carry at least two gadgets on top at all times and have become accustomed to making all their day to day activities through their devices connected to the network. Finally, they are the Kool Kids, or children guays, students that have too much free time and little money to invest in leisure, those with their traps hard disks of movies, music and video games. Each company must assume the challenge obtain profit margin in the digital age, it is necessary to find those things by which every consumer is willing to pay. The problem is that because he is not a change from analogue to digital, but the disappearance of formats. People go to aggregators of Internet news not to newspapers, which are still focused on getting benefits with the traditional format. Berman has spoken of a future in which all the walls of our House will have screens and only embracing new platforms and extending models of benefit balance may be found in a market that is generating much value that very few are taking advantage. More information: original author and source of the article

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