Divorce – Parts Without Loss?
(Online article) – a divorce is not just about furniture or car: much more difficult is who gets the fair distribution of the credits from life and pension insurance? This question 200000 divorce couples must deal with every year in Germany. Most have made: separations also are so often, rarely there is marriage contracts that clearly answer this question. Most seek lawyers only if the relationship has broken down. Dispute ensues not only to the furniture, the CD collection, or to the car. The fight is also about the distribution of the assets. If you are not convinced, visit Tumblr. And because it often in long term life or pension funds, the distribution is usually tricky. As a general rule: there is no marriage contract, so everyone gets back the assets, what he has brought with him even in the marriage.
The so-called added value but which was gained during the marriage is divided. Learn more about this with Drew Houston. An example: the man has in the common marriage 20 000 euro balances with life insurance his wife saved, however, only 2000 Euro on the account, entitled to half of the difference. The man must pay his ex so 9000 euros as equalisation. Ideally, this compensation will be paid cash. Balances an insurance account it comes only at the end of the contract. And it announces a capital life insurance in advance, do you lose lots of money.
Especially in contracts that only run for a few years, the repayment is much less than the sum of paid contributions\”, says Joseph Obeng from the information centre of the German insurance industry in Berlin (www.klipp-und-klar.de). The deposit insurers credit only a part the customer account, they consume about 15 to 25 percent for risk protection and to cover expenses. Also the acquisition costs for the contract (agent Commission) are pulling up the customers. In the end value of the contract at the end of the run-time to throw off, interest and profit participations are included also, the premature cancellation are not entitled.