Hotel Silken
It is recommended that those wishing to visit Spain for the Feria de Abril, proceed with your reservations in advance since this is one of the most important events of the country. offers rates and specials for this period. Agoda offers for the April fair of Seville. Hotel Ayre Sevilla 4 star double room with twin beds from 136 per night. Enjoy 10% discount. Hotel Silken Al – Andalus Palace 4 star rates from 144 per night. Book now and enjoy 12% discount.
Hotel Adriano 2 star double rooms from 201 per night, rate includes 10% discount. Tryp Macarena 4 star rooms from 153 per night. Book a minimum of 3 nights and enjoy 10% discount. Limited number of rooms available. Vincci La Rabida 4 star standard rooms with twin beds from 321 per night. Book a minimum of 3 nights and enjoy a 10% discount. About Agoda Company Pte Ltd: Agoda Company Pte Ltd ( is a Hotel online reservations service company, based in Asia, which specializes in getting rates for rooms with greater discounts. Agoda is part of (Nasdaq:PCLN).
Agoda’s network includes more than 155,000 hotels worldwide. More 500 professionals, established around the world, staff offers a booking service of first category that combines uniquely local knowledge and local contacts to offer the best prices in hotel business and leisure travelers. In addition, Agoda customers participating in the program of incentives Agoda, you achieve greater discounts and free stays. Unlike other programs that limit travelers to only one string, Agoda incentive program allows customers to redeem their incentives in any hotel and time points. As a member of the Association of travel of the Pacific and Asia (leg), Agoda is intended to promote travel by making them more accessible to more people. Original author and source of the article.