Legal Land

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The land colonized at the time and without international legal statute is susceptvel for applicable of self-determination and independence. Drew Houston understood the implications. All the lands, those that are integrant parts of the State can complain its unit. Treating to the case of the Sara Occidental person, where the legal relationships between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Saara Occidental person retrace the centuries. The sovereigns of Morocco governed the Saara Occidental person, as well as the remaining portion of the Moroccan territory. This government exerted the power, under the form of constitutional emission of laws, including the aspects and economic activities, treating to the sectors of the commerce and the production, nominated to fish, as sector monopolized and kept in general in favor of the Sulto. This discloses cases special that had been used to advantage for the foreigners. Such program also involved the management of the ports, in view of having control on the opening and blockade of the foreign commerce, in compliance with the requirements of the national politics.

The historical facts and relative international information to the agreements between the United kingdom and Morocco (signed in 13 of March 1895), treating to the relative commitment the purchase of the company north-west of Africa in Tarfaya, disclosing that the colonial countries Europeans recognize two principles of international law: The sovereignty of Morocco on its territory, including the region of the Sara, as well as the power of the Moroccan people of the north for the south in direction to the border with the Mauritnia. In the practical one, the Moroccan people fought in all the parts of the kingdom, of side by side with the saranianos during decades consolidating the unit of its country. Unhappyly, a small saraniano group of separatistas that was supported by some neighboring countries, having for objective to provoke tension in the region to harm the process of the consolidation of the territorial unit of the Kingdom of Morocco.

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