National Geographic

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Their neighbors historically have followed the Bolivians, without a doubt unconsciously, since Bolivia is not the best example to imitate, but he serves as parameter to predict what will happen in the rest of the continent. To govern with the coffers full of money is easy. Evo Morales not only had the filled coffers thanks to the fact that the prices of the raw materials are high, but when nationalizing the productive companies of the country and releasing to the cocaine traffic the money exceeded. The unique thing that never needed to Morals is money. They filled the coat to him from Venezuela to celebrate its poles with thousands of ” voluntarios” paid.

Once consecrated like patotero number one, Hugo Chavez gave more money him to campaign its presidential interpreting to ” humble farmer aimara” , that effectively was sold to the international press clearing the first fruit to him to National Geographic. All the comic strip created on the figure of Evo Morals little by little are beginning to be diluted and are because luckyly the lies cannot stay effective per indefinite time, otherwise would not exist justice. Nevertheless, being Bolivia country where justice is what less it works, Evo continues lasting. At Its Excellence that said to govern it is easy, that the difficult moment is only necessary to solve the day to day, arrived to him. It is easy when they give the money to you, you rob companies or you deal drugs. But it stops being it when there are no bottoms and you do not have idea of how wealth is generated decently. The increase of fuels in its real price, was the unique measurement coherent and responsible for the government, but obvious it generated rejection popular to do it of blow.

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