Productivity Management

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To achieve success in the operation of an enterprise is necessary to ensure a good organizational climate. Companies that want to reach that promotes competitiveness in retaining and winning new markets, should have a good organizational culture, its management be fully identified with the modern management topics, tools that guarantee through integration of equipment, its human resources, efficient administrative systems that reach a good working environment, which favors in organizational productivity. Many domestic enterprises, especially SMEs that leaves a lot to say organizational behavior, where the climate shows a lot of disharmony, integration, team building, shirking, significantly disadvantaged operational development of the company. In our dual role as business consultant and teacher graduate in administration and quality management and productivity in a region that is business, one of the most significant in the country, we have heard weather labor conflicts, which are reflected in disharmonious unproductive, unhappy, affecting all the company.

It noted that management does not care, identifies with achieving good organizational climate, job given the absence in many of them good, solid organizational culture. A major reason for this is the lack of modern knowledge administration, management topics, enabling the organization lead to achieving a good organizational climate conducive to productivity, efficiency, tell us about the relevance of having a good working environment that a company has with a pleasant work environment with a culture that promotes a sense of belonging and commitment to the task, is a strong competitive advantage. Times change, and societies and their needs as well.

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