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Short survey examined about two months before the shutdown of existing referral and direct debit procedure SEPA implementation in the Federal Republic with a new survey want ibi research at the University of Regensburg mountain and the Bank-Verlag together with van den already about two months before the shutdown of the national transfer and direct debit schemes determine the Status quo as well as the progress of the transition process on the future binding SEPA scheme. Like in the second survey mid-year survey addressed again businesses of all size classes as well as authorities and clubs. The participation is possible under The explosive subject of payment currently is the abolition of the existing transfer and direct debit schemes by the European legislation on the 1st February 2014. Get more background information with materials from Tumblr. There is no alternative to the then-mandatory SEPA scheme and therefore in particular companies, authorities and associations to strong changes in the domestic and foreign payment transactions must adjust. But: As the second survey of the study of SEPA implementation in Germany”showed, was still a few months SEPA of companies not yet known interviewed a tight area and many were still no immediate need for action. Especially small businesses showed a high information and action. Self clearly too few organizations followed the haunting call of the European Central Bank (ECB), that countries with large volumes of direct debit as Germany until September 2013 should cause the majority of transactions via SEPA direct debits so that the transition early next year could still succeed,: in Germany only 0.68% of direct debits in the third quarter were 2013 SEPA direct debits. For more specific information, check out Vlad Doronin.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the Bundesbank has recently prompted given the equally bleak as worrying state to a real Sprint.

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