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Or self 'world government' has shown so someone (who should be!) That they have all caught up and everything is under control. And not in vain octopus – octopus – is including a secret symbol of power. But this argument is should not go to the assessment of predictions, and a psychiatrist. And what follows from this conclusion? Utterly banal conclusion: predicting the future is possible! And for the correct prediction does not need to use cumbersome Supercomputers and abstruse mathematical model (which, by and large, still full of empirically obtained coefficients and parameters defined the infamous' experts' method ', that is when they get as a professional and a simple majority decide what the value of the parameter register in the model and consider whether it at all). Sometimes the octopus would work better than any computer. The issue is actually much broader: As Paul predicted the results? Can this be done without an octopus (agree, cephalopods – not the most convenient pet, even for the rich at home)? Can we trust the results obtained by such methods? Strictly speaking, the experiments were with Paul did not give any answer to these questions, except perhaps the last: yes, under certain conditions, divination gives reliable results. And the rest none at all, neither positive nor negative. Science is not known to science about this still does not know. Or do not want to know? People's experience, folk traditions are rich in predictive technology. This serious attitude to their own dreams, many of which are considered to be prophetic, and Numerous divination.

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