Germany Dyscalculia
Dyslexia and dyscalculia: Science Congress (2nd-5th October 2008 at the Freie Universitat Berlin) provides education demand more equality for 8 million affected people in Germany. “The Congress of the Union of the BVL Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dr. Gerd Schulte Korne, Director of the clinic for child and youth psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy, hospital the University of Munich, under the topic: equality dyslexia and dyscalculia in the field of tension between medicine, education and society”. Congress should once again show that the disorder images more attention must find dyslexia (reading / legal writing disorder) and dyscalculia (mathematics disorder), because about 5% of all people of a dyslexia and as many from a dyscalculia are affected. In Germany, affected people due to the lack of awareness of society are often discriminated against.
Massive cuts must in particular students and Accept students with dyslexia or dyscalculia, because their impairment is school not adequately absorbed, although they have a good talent. We consider it the most important tasks a, to do intensive educational work so that the affected people get an equal opportunities in school, training and employment. The tension between medicine, education, and society should be further about the Congress. Both images of disorder are diagnosed using standardised procedures and are internationally recognized. “Regardless of whether the disorder images are scientifically conclusively, it is necessary to create a framework in which they talent just to develop for the people concerned”, Schulte Korne calls. The Congress should contribute, to intensify exchanges between those responsible and open new paths in dealing with dyslexia and dyscalculia.” The Congress of the Union of the BVL will take place from 2nd-5th October 2008 at the Freie Universitat Berlin and will be carried out jointly with Prof. Dr.
Arthur Jacobs, General Psychology. In more than 50 conferences and 30 workshops, current research findings and practical experiences presented by recognized scientists and practitioners. Until the 15.4.2008 yet proposals for contributions in the form of abstracts can be submitted on-line via the homepage of the BVL. Like every Congress, the BVL has written a science prize. More information is available on the homepage of the BVL – application deadline is 30.7.2008. this year, we expect about 1,200 participants in Berlin. The interest of scientists, educators, therapists and parents shows us once again the importance of this Congress. As a parents self-help Association we will this year for the first time offer a day of training designed specifically for parents and make available practical information on diagnosis, therapy, school and aid”, Christine Sczygiel, National Chairman of the BVL informed. Conference to establish equal opportunities, avoid discrimination”on November 10, 2007 in the Universitatsklinikum Eppendorf more information about dyslexia, to the Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. as well as the Congress and registration are available at on the Internet.