The Federal Association

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Many thermal vulnerabilities But not detectable from outside houses. Roofs have an increased radiation and by the usually sharp shooting angle in the roof area, the cold atmosphere is reflected in the normally. The roof will appear significantly colder than it really is in the infrared image. Also the problem of mold growth and / or dew point below in room corners or floor ceiling affiliations can be not recognized with location shots and thus not investigated. Leaking roof areas and hatches can be seen only from the inside. All buildings with a ventilated facade must necessarily be examined from inside.

An Aussenthermografie shows no thermal bridges. The homeowner weighs in at only external investigations may in safety, although the building has serious structural flaws. Only exterior shots for seemingly cheap money are offered without the homeowners of the drawbacks of incomplete measurement to inform, so this is frivolous. Even when the Thermografieaktionen the goal of being taken to the consumer in advance about the initiator of the action and the Thermografieburo is informed and clarified, to avoid possible mistakes in the building renovation. For a meaningful examination of the building are to allocate at least 2 hours on the ground.

The evaluation of infrared images with reporting in the Office hours then again 6-8. On the Web page of the Federation you will find guidelines for the thermography, the necessary camera techniques and the required certifications. There are 3 levels of certification according to DIN EN 473. Persons who perform infrared measurements without supervision, must be certified to level 2. There are also opinions of the Austrian and Swiss Thermografieverbandes to this topic. The Federal Association for applied thermography has developed a flyer for the quality analysis of buildings using infrared measurements, the minimum level of checks to refer to are. Everyone should adhere to these guidelines, performing Thermographic measurements. The VATh has must experience unfortunately it that sunlight homes have been tested or it was much too hot for the measurements of buildings. The end user gets some colourful images, which often are not worth the money. This is perhaps not far from quackery and the consumer will be advised poorly or even incorrectly. He can not know these facts. Because the simple infrared to acquire cameras for some time for relatively little money, flooded the market with this technology. A good infrared camera is still very expensive. Paired with unfortunately some little expertise of the operator, this can be very dangerous and angry or confused consumers. For a good and meaningful thermography, which is to serve the purpose and not the “action”, it is essential to comply with standards, and fully to inform the final consumer. The VATh-flyer to the building investigation can see the following link can be downloaded: docs/artikel/VATh…2008.pdf Association for applied thermography on the Burgholz 26 99891 Tabarz

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