The Rights And The Human Beings

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The Rights and the Human beings In Belm, city of the palms, the patrimonies are historical marks of pride and tradition. The theater of the peace, the Basilica of Nazar, Square of the Republic, Square Baptist Fields It is, in fact, admirable to contemplate them, but what the fence is not only beauties, or spices, quite to the contrary, are marks of esquecimento and abandonment, many inhabitants of street. People who had lost everything or almost everything. They had lost, perhaps, what they had never had: dreams, housing, family, dignity, loves. The two, patrimonies and inhabitants of street, inhabit much time in our city with an enormous difference, the first ones more are valued. Where moment the historical constructions if had become more valuable that human beings? It will be a value attributed for the proper one to be in detriment to the other? We pass every day for them, in some insipientes cases, with an abject look, what in certain way one became prosaico.

We perceive how much not to enxergarmos them in ' ' it runs-corre' ' of day-by-day, therefore our occupations deprive in them of this, of the contemplation or recognition of this being as equal person we. To contemplate it as to be, equal we, are not an easy task. Although let us not recognize, the street inhabitants possess the same rights, human calls, that we. Without housing, without job, having what to dress or eating, that right they are these? Rights that are in a Constitution that would have to function. Rights that would have to serve as advising to all. Unknown rights. Rights ours.

Rights of the beggars. The street inhabitants also are part of the history of our city. They are adult, young, children. Good involved part in crime, forgotten for a society that values more the material of what the being. Society that nails and fights for Rights, however does not obtain to recognize itself as possessing of the same Rights of a street inhabitant. Society that raises and fulfills the rights of some and if forgets them excessively. The depreciation of the citizen that is, or would have to be somebody that operating in society, occurs because of the care exacerbado with the goods substances and of the insensibilidade with the next one, what it seems to be a simple religious speech and so trivial how much practical the daily one is forgotten by us, human beings. As much a worker how much a beggar possesss the same Right-handers before the Law. The Law nails the equality, as well as the proper masked society, but it lives the inaquality, the privilege for some and the total indifference for others. The Rights that had been denied the street inhabitants are, simply, essentials for life as well as the housing and education. We are part of a so contradictory society, that it presents attitudes of turpitude with the people who would have to be protected by the Human Rights. That they exist some of us we have knowledge. That they are not materialize is fact.

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