Video Marketing
You can have a great product and a very nice Web site, but if nobody sees your Web site it is a dead business. On the Internet there are many tools to generate traffic (visits) to both pay as free Web site, but I am of people who think that things for free there, put that even though they are free you have to devote much time and my time is worth more than the same money. As you comment there are many ways to generate traffic to your Web site, first of all I’m going to show some of the free that I’ve used and which I have been very effective to optimize my site and position in the search engines. Traffic free. 1) Contributions in forums. You can register in forums related to your business and answer all the questions that make the community, at the end of each answer or article that hallas put in the Forum, you must put your signature and the address of your website, this will give you more promotion for your website and the search engines rastrearan it and you hexes.
2) Publish articles in relation to the theme of your Web site is Another form of free and very effective promotion, I personally have used, there are hundreds of Web sites and directories where you can publish articles related to your business, where those interested in your items can go to your website and get more information of your products, dissemination of articles in the search engines is also a matter of seconds. (3) Video Marketing making Videos of your business or Web site and upload it to all the platforms of Videos (Youtube, Google Video, Yahoo Video etc) Difundira in just minutes in the search engines and will help you position your site quickly on Google, since as you know Youtube belongs to Google, and they track even more quickly the published content on their platform. But, these are only some of the tools free, there are hundreds that you can implement in this age of promotion 2.0. Advertising payment. For a more rapid process of advertising I recommend 100% the payment advertising per click (PPC) Google AdWords. The traffic that you can send to your Web site is more fast, cash and segmented than all the tools of free promotion you can find, and the best thing is that you can start with a very low budget. Does that mean PPC? PPC means pay per click, this means that after you post your ad, you pay Google only when a person clicks on the ad, and the least pay per click is $0.01 USD. One of the things that more I like this tool of advertising apart from economic and cash, is that you can sectorizar the location where you want to make your advertising, you can choose the country or region where you want to only show your ad. To begin advertising PPC creates your campaign in: hope I helped with this article, greetings and success in your business online!