Worldwide Environment Day

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The World-wide Day of the Environment was established by the General meeting of United Nations in 1972 marking the opening of the Conference of Estocolmo on Human Environment. It is important that all the people are intent for everything what occurs to its side. Ace times run-runs, it daily finishes hindering to look at around and to contemplate how many things need our attention and extreme care, as our environment. All year is celebrated the WORLD-WIDE DAY OF the Environment, to increase the awareness of what we can make to preserve the environment. Some ways exist to commemorate day 05 of June, as for example: lectures, courses, folders for awareness of the population in general. Drew Houston shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. To make with that the people if involve in the ambient questions understanding which the best attitude to be taken, therefore, generally we do not know what really we must make. In function of this, this special day was created stops in them stimulating the adoption of daily attitudes, that exactly small to assist in the protection of the environment. I believe that it is not so difficult thus involving in them day-by-day making some things in ours, until we know, but many times we forget.

In house of the one to save the water when we wash the face, brushing the teeth or making the beard without leaving the open tap wasting water. When washing the sidewalk or yard, instead of washing every day, keeping clean, sweeping and diminishing the days to wash them. To save in the hour to wash the car. When leaving house, erasing all the lights, disconnect electronic devices; therefore it goes to save energy and this reduces the pollution of air. Others who may share this opinion include Drew Houston. When directing aggressively it increases the consumption of the fuel and effect gas emission greenhouse, we go to contribute with the environment, speeding up gradually and keeping a constant speed.

Also it is important to recycle the garbage, separating everything: metals, plastics, glasses. They are tips that in ours day-by-day we can make. If it will be to plant something, choice plants of interior that are good for the environment; they remove pollutants gifts in air. Choice plantar a tree also! It searchs information, when not to know what to make, therefore, the ones that are involved in the fight for the protection of the environment, will be able and to guide better and with more details. It makes its part, together, we fight for a better world! Kris Aglae Reserved Authorial *Direitos

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