Archive for February, 2014

Life Can Now Finish

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Your life can finish now. The presence of death is here. There is no place to stop on the road. Do you have supplies? We are not owners of the eternally stay with physical life in this dimension where we act, is something that we cannot handle, every minute, hour, day there may be a fact that you can take away life, is unfortunately a reality, to which we must be prepared, and that manifested when one least expects it. Important is to be fully identified if we are really prepared to leave our body, physical vehicle, if we have determined the why we have gone through a pacedera dimension of forms, where everything is transient, in that it is today and while it may be that we are not. Day to day facts, that sometimes arise not from us, but many unknowns, for example, incidental accidents, originate for reasons many times up to fatal, occur not only in our home, in our environment, a fall, a stumble, inappropriate movement, one pipe that explodes, which leads to fractures, wounds, crisis; words, that give rise to anger, control actions that many times not knowing can give way to unfortunate facts.

What is more serious is when earthquakes, disaster unforeseen, characteristic of the nature of the environment in which we operate, are that they lash out with our lives, destroying not only the material, but the lives of many people, as it just happen in Haiti, Chile, for example, where nobody expected what happened, simply manifested itself and the results were catastrophic. People who maybe had recently seen, talked, enjoyed with them, shared time, and already do not manifest themselves more in this dimension, generating its disappearance sadness, grief, suffering, memories. There is some evidence, that other people not corresponded them still leave the flat, however, faced the situation, some until categorized as miracle, as happened in Haiti, where rescued to missing people buried in the rubble, having passed and food several days without moving, without trying, but which were rescued; Since then, shedding test has to affect your Awakening, know to determine the reason for this, as from that day that was integrated with other beings their actions must be different and know the opportunity of living, perhaps in a way very different how we had been living.

Situation Inevitable

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When a person gets married it does not repair the fact that expectations towards life can change. Two people when they are young may coincide in the way of seeing the world. But with the passing of time they might be totally different by many factors that life will be presenting on the road and finish for not understanding. Then comes the emotional crisis, which manifests itself in different ways. There are also cases where people marry or live together only by a mainly physical attraction and as a commitment to these is not only physical tenderness, but that also entails responsibilities, within them are children if these are. Then come the problems, also if sometime does not exist the intention of not sacrificed or devote their time to the children, but he only wants to live the good side of the conjugal relationship. Here also there are setbacks. Economic problems can also arise the shake of life by the commitments of each, the incomprehension of affectivity are factors that make critical coexistence and converted the home into hell because of fights and rivalries of the couple.

When the life partner becomes intolerable, appear couples therapists, family psychologists, lawyers specializing in these emotional issues for both procedures, such as legal to make part of the divorce. These proceedings will shorten or lengthen according to the will that put the parties to collaborate in the definition of the situation. What’s optimal is that the couple participates and contributes in the separation or divorce, when they are convinced that the best thing is to stay distant friends, rather than be a few enemies nearby and permanent. Sometimes children are an obstacle that some parents fail, but specialists in human behavior argue that children are the most affected when living in an atmosphere of permanent conflict. There are people with strong cultural background who think that romantic relationships require a level of seriousness, that households should be handled with order or are converted into a more taxpayer to loosen the society. The summation of the families who are part of the social fabric, as a brick in construction, form the solid structure of a society or a State, therefore must be taken with seriousness and love. Divorce is fashion, says people in his everyday comments. Continue married to a person who does not love is a perversion, they tell many others.

Tradition or habit of living life with the same person no longer is maintained, so has children’s by half. Why it is important to have things very clear when it goes to a decision as serious as marriage or cohabitation partner and also thinking very seriously when there are children of means, so that they don’t end up paying the consequences of our bad decisions. Meditate well behavior and collaboration you have had in your family, never look for culprits outside, the victim does not sit, but much less the aggressor, only look inside what has been their contribution to the household and what can be the reason of their separation or divorce, thus, being aware of the situation can help and the wisest solution to move forward. Remember that their decisions in the present are fundamental basis in his future, look further on these issues, look for more articles in Spanish <! to > and advise well to move forward in their knowledge. Original author and source of the article.