Federal District

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Its fields are of course propitious to the cattle pasture and the extensive one. Pampas are an aboriginal word to assign to prairies – plain surfaces vegetation covers tripping. Most of bioma is formed by fields, but it also has arbreos stretches and some spots with dense, similar forest to the Atlantic bush. As the south of Brazil is extended of north, it she is not homogeneous, but yes a vegetation mosaic. In its more characteristic form, it is an exuberant pluvial forest, with trees that can reach 40 meters of height. It has one of biodiversities richest of Brazil and the world.

In only one area of the serrana region of the Espirito Santo it has 476espcies of lenhosas trees. This zone keeps fort contact with biomas of the Amaznia and the Atlantic bush and encloses regions of ecological transistion that play a function of linking and viabilizao of genetic exchanges between terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Bioma is one constituted by complex environments, diversified and of extreme importance for the sustentation of the life of the sea. Only bioma exclusively Brazilian congregates at least distinct 12vegetaes, the calls caatingas, characterized mainly for losing todasas leves in the period of drought. The mountain presence with 2 a thousand meters of altitude in way to bioma raises a little the humidity and is what it makes of the region half-barren commaior biodiversity of the world Spread for 11 States (ME, PI, YOU, BA, GO, MG, TM, MS, RO, SP and PR), more the Federal District, is as bigger bioma of Brazil. She is also one of savannahs richest of the world, in special for the biological contact with biomas neighboring. Known as forest upside-down, because its roots costumam to be bigger of what the pantries. In its chapadas ones they are rising of the main rivers of the basins Amazonian, of the Silver and the San Francisco.

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