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American Academy

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Although the cellulitis is not friend of anybody, the medical authorities agree in which the cellulitis is not more than the normal fatty weave and simply a term that describes the appearance of pockets looking for greasy in the body. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the cellulitis is the natural form of the body to store the fat in adult women (the Majority of the cases). It is caused by fat deposits little saturated right under the skin. Before resorting to treatment against the cellulitis and the use of anti products of the cellulitis it is necessary to understand why the cellulitis is so obstinate. The cellulitis is a type of greasy weave in the subcutaneous layer of the skin that contains the bands of connective weave constriction and it thinks that it affects around 90% of the women, although for many women the cellulitis is one of the causes anguishes of many throughout the day. The key point is that he is natural and therefore not ” tratable” in the normal sense.

It is of common knowledge that the increase of weight can make worse the appearance of the cellulitis. These cells of woven fat and of the conjunctive weave, once damaged, to give the aesthetic appearance of cellulitis (orange skin). In other words, the appearance with hoyuelos of the cellulitis is a form in which many human beings perfectly normal watched. It is a condition of swelling up of the fat cells and other coexistent factors are place to the appearance of the cellulitis. Nevertheless, the limitations to the circulation and the drainage of the liquid can contribute to the appearance of the cellulitis. To maintain the skin healthy and also nourished will help to prevent and to reduce the appearance of the cellulitis. There are some types of massage that could help to reduce the appearance of the temporary cellulitis of form. It has been observed that the force exercises and? tonificacin, as well as the maintenance of the constant weight will help with the cellulitis appearance. The creams can offer certain degree of temporary lightening in the appearance of the cellulitis. The force training is an important element to reduce the ugly appearance of the cellulitis since it increases the tone muscular and it falls total corporal fat.